The 25th of November, only days away, will mark the 1st anniversary of the Ms Traveling Pants blog. Over the last twelve months, I have taken you with me to Las Vegas, Spain, Boston, Morocco, Turkey, New York City, Florida Keys, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Mexico, Wisconsin, and more. However, travel hasn’t been the only thing on my plate. I have also been learning various blogging formats, html codes, photography, video editing, and just the ins and outs of the blogging community.
Q: How did I have time to do all of this?
A: I still do not know, but I think it might have something to do with taking advantage of time on planes, trains, automobiles and sleepless nights at home and on the road to write down my adventures and insights whether on cocktail napkins, in my iPhone, or more likely on boarding passes.
I know that many reading this post could be either new to this blog (Welcome to the Ms Traveling Pants virgins)and/or perhaps didn’t have the opportunity to read the stories that I wrote over the past year. As I know, as well as anyone, that time is precious, I will give you a summary of my favorites to give you a snapshot of my travels, who is Ms Traveling Pants, and what you can expect in 2010 and beyond.
December 2008 – A Christmas Eve to Remember
An interesting story of traveling in Izmir, Turkey for the holiday that involves a shady hostel (code words for brothel). It was strength in numbers & intuition to trust people that allowed my travel companions and I to find a better place to spend Christmas Eve that involved a unique smorgasbord. This story gives another meaning to Happy Holidays.
January 2009 – Riding a Camel
In the Sahara, Morocco, I learned that riding a camel isn’t as easy as riding a horse. Now, after having done it, I can attest that it certainly isn’t a skill that you can say is “like riding a bike.” As additional incentive to read, I must say that I had/have an interesting price tag in Morocco. You must read to find out what is Ms Traveling Pants’ price tag!
February 2009 – Arranged Marriage at Three and a Half
When I was only three and a half years old in a small town in Wisconsin, my father was propositioned to enter me into an arranged marriage. You wouldn’t think in the early 1980’s or in the Midwest that this would be an occurrence, but it happened. Was the offer accepted?
June 2009 – Every Flight is a Story: The Mile High Blogger Club
If you haven’t seen the inside of an airplane’s lavatory, well this video is for you. And, even for those of you that are well aware of airplane lavatories, you must check out what I put myself through to give you a picture of the inside of an airplane’s restroom. Come on take a peek! It is comfy!
September 2009 – Hiking the Gunks
Before the leaves started to turn and the Hudson River Valley was still in its lush, green beauty, I created a post & pictures to document the Gunks (Shawangunks). If you have never been just 1.5 hrs outside of NYC to wine taste, hike, or dine at the Culinary Institute of America, you must. Let me tempt you!
October 2009 – Fall Colors in New England
A favorite of many, including Best of Tripfilms: Fall Edition, this post and video highlight some of the beautiful autumn colors in New England. For those of you with inquiring minds, the photography was taken about 30 miles outside of Boston, Massachusetts in a town called Chelmsford.
I look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries. I intend to grow my collection of good times and good stories with pieces from all corners of the world or from wherever I call home at the moment. So, I raise my glass in a toast, “To more good times and good stories!”
Thank you readers!
Ms Traveling Pants
One year in blogging and another one in your life. and since it’s already November 24-th on my part of the world : Happy birthday, Heidi!!!
Yes, it is true. Today is my birthday. The Ms Traveling Pants blogoversary is tomorrow. What a year!
Yes, I am lucky, one year in the blogosphere and another in life. I am happy to be turning another year wiser today!
Thanks Ivan!
Wow! Happy Birthday to you and your blog! Sounds like you had a great year & I wish you the best in the upcoming year!
Hey there! Congrats on the blogiversery!!!! One year is a huge accomplishment…keep ’em coming!
Happy travels,
Kathryn @Travelfusion
I am very happy & delighted to accomplish the major event. Thanks Kathryn @Travelfusion
Congratulations on your first blogaversery! AND Happy Birthday (one day to late, sorry) Keep up the nice travel stories.
Congrats on the anniversary! I remember watching your video about the airplane lavatory. Why you took it, and why I watched, I’m still not quite sure. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations and here is to many more years of traveling and blogging!
Congrats on your blogoversary! That is an achievement, all right. Anyone who blogs knows how time-consuming it can be, especially if you do it well (and you do). It’s got to be a labor of love to keep doing it long-term. Thanks for pointing out your favorite blog posts, since there were many I haven’t seen yet. Cheers! Gray
Happy “blog-birthday”! 😉
I´m new but will catch up with the best moments!
I´m glad you came to Brazil!!
Congrats on your blogoversary! I just came across your blog thanks to @everywheretrip and @8hourlayover. As a fellow Floridian, traveler, and (new) blogger, I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures.
Congrats on making it a year! Out of all the blogs out there I can imagine a travel blog isn’t always the easiest to keep updated and active. Here’s hoping for a few more years of blogging!