It’s no secret that I have an adventure bug. So in light of the holiday season and end of the year, I brainstormed as to some activity that would be incredible to experience as a treat to myself. Having done skydiving, SCUBA diving, scaling Coliseum walls, and more, my first choice was to FLY.
Luckily, my friend and PIC (Partner In Crime) joined me thinking that a great holiday gift would be to take a flying lesson AND NOT a simulator but an actual hands on flight. That’s right Ms Traveling Pants and PIC took the controls of a chopper from Fort Lauderdale to South Beach and back. (see below a picture 500 ft above Miami with Ms Traveling Pants behind the controls)
Now mind you, I pride myself on being pretty good at most things that I attempt. I have mastered most modes of transportation such as driving a stick, motorcycle, jetski, sailboat, four wheelers, and the like, but helicopter flying is one that I may have to take the full 35 hour course in order to be competent and say that I have earned my “blades.”
If you are interested in earning your “blades” and learning how to fly helicopters, check out the Helicopter Academy with multiple locations throughout the U.S.
So, here’s to another good time with a good story.
What will be next?
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Nice to see your first step to learn “how to fly a helicopter(chopper)”…I also have my personal 2-seater chopper and when i bored i used to come out of my room and take a flight in my chopper..