A wonderful opportunity has appeared and I want to seize it. A private island off the Southern coast of Panama is looking for a summer intern that is seasoned in social media, blog posts, adventure activities, sustainable tourism, and more. When I saw this “summer of a lifetime” experience, I thought, “this is right up my alley!”
In order to earn the position as the summer intern, I must surpass the other sixty-five applicants. This is where your support comes into play. Four of the ten finalists will be chosen by votes on the IslaPalenque site (Heidi Siefkas) Help me by clicking the thumbs up button.
Over the next two weeks (until April 12th) the voting period is active. Although, you may be only one click or one vote, you may know someone that will support your friend/peer in seizing a travel writer’s dream summer.
Please show your support and pass to others that would like to see posts, videos, and images of an active, adventurous summer in Isla Palenque with Heidi (aka Ms Traveling Pants)