For some, travelling overseas simply isn’t enough. More people than ever are looking into full-time employment abroad, as well as completely relocating for several months, or even for the foreseeable future. There are lots of pros to working overseas and for many the idea of having a fully subversive experience in another culture ticks all the necessary boxes. Working abroad is the gateway to a new life, new friends and the possibility of being able to spend more time abroad for longer without worrying about money.

However, before you do head abroad in search of work and a new life, there are several things you need to run through for your own peace of mind and even your own safety. Want to know more? Read on to discover our checklist for working abroad.

Make sure you know your employment rights

Just like any employee, you need to make yourself aware of what you’re entitled to and what your rights are. If you’re injured in a workplace accident, what are your rights? Who will cover your medical expenses? Click here to speak to a New York construction accident lawyer for more information. Are there are any benefits you may be entitled to? If you already have a career in mind, make sure you’re aware of your civil and workplace rights. They may differ significantly to the ones back home.

Consider all aspects of your job

You might fancy yourself working on a cruise ship for several months. But can you cope with living in a confined space for several months of the year? If you see yourself working as an intern in a New York office, are you compatible with the often-unforgiving city life that comes with it? Make sure you’re considering all aspects of a potential job before you apply.

Ensure your job is secured

Before you hop on a plane with your life savings hoping to land a job the moment you step off the plane, then you should think again. Always ensure you’ve secured a role before you buy plane tickets, pack your bags or look at accommodation options.

Look for roles with packages

If you want to make the process a little easier, why not consider looking for a company that helps with relocation? Who provides accommodation packages and take care of all those dreaded visa applications? It might just make the transitions a little simpler.


Researching your destination will give you a head start. It’ll also mean you’re likely to adapt faster to new cultures and not feel as overwhelmed.

Final thoughts…

Are you planning on working abroad? What would your dream job be? Let us know in the comments below.

**Post contributed by Julia Evans, a British travel writer with a severe case of wanderlust.**